Meet the Committee 


Chair - Richard Trinder

Postmaster in South Sheffield for 10 years and.
My vision is a Post Office run by Postmasters for Postmasters, fair impartial and independently funded representation for all Postmasters. Current member of Regional forum, IT improvement forum, Branch Operational Change Forum and Postmaster engagement group. Postmasters united as one body would be an immense force.

Vice Chair - Brent Jay


Took on my first suboffice in 1993. Two Network Transformations & 3 offices later, moved to a village shop & old contract post office in Mid Wales 6 years ago.
Never worked so hard for so little but do still enjoy it.
A pessimist at heart, I think I’ll be the last Postmaster/shop owner. Property too expensive & profits too low for younger generations to take over.
VotP came about when many Postmasters realised the awful situation the network was in at the end of the pandemic. A chance to connect & try to bring about the change we need.
I wholly believe in VotP 3 main aims & will continue to strive to achieve them.

Secretary- Sara Barlow 

I have been a postmaster for over 5 years. Voice of the post master has given me the opportunity to reach out to my fellow business owners and work towards improving the pay we receive and share our experiences.
I look forward to a more financially stable future and fair pay for all our members.


Communication officer - Sajaad Yasin 

 I’m a current postmaster with over 10 years experience running a branch in south wales. My ambition is to evolve the postoffice network to make it relevant now and for the future, with postmasters at the heart of the business.

Treasurer - Mark Harrison

I have been a Postmaster for 20 years, with a previous background in accounting. My aim to further the causes of Postmasters including better renumeration.

Committee Member - Selina 

I took over my post office 10 years ago with my Father. My aim is to get Postmasters the Justice they deserve and fair remuneration.